Counting the Cost

The geographic difficulties that create barriers for the Gospel to reach the Southeast Asian UUPGs are obvious.  Reaching areas that are separated by barriers like water, and mountainous terrain are just the beginning.  There are also linguistic differences that one encounters with each UUPG that create barriers for communicating the Good News.  Then there are barriers such as communicating Christ with oral learners, the elderly or uneducated.

More than these, there are barriers of spiritual warfare.  Among Southeast Asian Peoples a spiritual war is being waged for the hearts and souls of its citizens.  Without doubt the war is largely spiritual in nature as converts to Christianity, (like the apostle Paul) - cause a hostile reaction. Paul illustrates this in I Cor. 4:9 as he says we have become a spectacle to the world.  The apostle Paul undertood well that he and all the faithful believers would have “Spectacular” moments where they would be put on display; moments that most people would like to avoid, but that are designed by God to produce fruit.

As an example, one SEA person stands out as "spectacular" in this moment in time in reaching a particular people group.  As an ex-government official, through a dream that he had on a night bus, he came to faith in the Lord Jesus.  Because of his background in the government, he knew almost all the people in the villages surrounding his home.  As a result, he started five house churches. This however has not come without persecution.  Nevertheless, even in the midst of persecution, this man and the new believers stand firm and have counted the cost of following Christ.
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